There are hundreds of stories about the abuses and successful rescues of exploited animals to be told.  At "Our World Of Animals", we hope to illustrate that despite the hopelessness of so many animals, thousands are saved from their pain and suffering by caring individuals, groups, and organizations who are dedicated to only one premise--the WELFARE OF ANIMALS everywhere!  We hope to  show our visitors that millions of people around the world DO care, DO work extremely hard, DO take risks, and DO succeed in helping as many unfortunate animals as possible, but they cannot ALL be helped!  Yet, given the dedication and commitment demonstrated in these rescue efforts, many truly DO find the safe, healthy and loving existence they so richly deserve!  Thus, we dedicate this segment of our site to those who persevere in their undying dedication and commitment to accomplishing that goal for as many animals as possible--THE LIFE SAVERS in "Our World of Animals"!

"Tiny Miss Miracle"

Above is Miracle on the left, her sister Mindy                Above is Miracle on the left (given up for DEAD!)
  on the right and their adoptive 'MOM' in the                    and her sisterMindy lounging on their kitty condo!
                                          middle right after found near the dumpster!
We seem to have a 'resident' Life Saver here at "Our World of Animals"!   Recently the same member who submitted the below account of life with three Twisty Cats abandoned on the streets and rescued by her, related to us a remarkable story of another rescue of two little feline sisters.  We'd now like to bring that story to you, told in her own words.  A story of courage, faith and never ending commitment to save every little life for which she is called upon to preserve and fulfill with a life of health, home and undying love.  If ever there was a hero in "Our World of Animals" our member, Jan, has earned that honor many times over.  With great pride, we now bring you Jan's story of her rescue of "Tiny Miss Miracle"!
Miracle is now a 10 week old kitten that was found on ice cold pavement under a huge rolling dumpster, along with her sister Mindy.  They were picked up by the Rescue League {a kill shelter} and Mindy was kept warm, but Miracle was not as there were no signs of life in her tiny 10 day old body.  They called me around 4:30pm that day to see if I had a nursing mother cat for Mindy, and I did.  so I
went to get her.  When I got there Beverly {an employee}, on a whim, had put a stethoscope to Miracles chest, and that cold stethoscope caused a tiny
reaction in Miracle!  So they started to warm her.   When I got there and put
her against my stomach where she would get warmed slowly {the proper way}, she was so cold she was making me cold!  I had to keep jolting her every so often to get a reaction from her, and almost handed her back as dead several times.

At the same time...little did I know the League was getting papers faxed from the main branch in Boston, which would make me the first official 'foster parent' in the over 100 year history of the place!   I spent almost an hour waiting for all the paperwork to come in, but by the time I left as a proud 'official' feline foster parent, "Tiny Miss Miracle" was very much alive and screaming!

Miracle and her sister, Mindy, have now been adopted to a good home where
they both will receive the care and love they are so richly entitled to.  And, "Tiny Miss Miracle" will never know close she was to death's door until being placed into the loving warm hands of Jan!  Or does she?  You be the judge!

My Radial Hypoplasia Trio
NOTE:  As you all are very much aware, the primary focus of this site is on the sadly deformed "Twisty Kats" now being exploited and perpetuated through the 'experimental' inbreeding of Vickie Ives Speir of Marshall, Texas.  The purpose of initiating our online Petition contained in another segment of this site was to bring about the permanent ban against such breeding for personal financial profit.  In keeping with our predictions for the futures of these terribly deformed animals, the online Petition presented us with a golden opportunity to illustrate our point, while still reassuring us that there are individuals in our world who truly do care about what is being done to these animals!  The author of the following true personal account of her life as loving caretaker of three such cats is now a very welcomed and highly respected member of  B.A.D.(Better As Designed) who has agreed to share her own personal sorrow and heartfelt love for the three Radial Hypoplasia cats she has rescued!   Admittedly, Mother Nature was in control in the case of her cats, yet her moving story serves to illustrate what will be the ultimate destiny of these purposely bred horribly deformed creatures, should this 'experimental' breeding practice be permitted to continue!  She has also agreed to a personal interview with a reporter from the Indiana Beagle, an online news publication which you may read at the following URL:
With very mixed emotions, we bring you her story as she has submitted it to us in the hope it will serve to convince everyone who visits this site that we absolutely MUST and WILL put a stop to this horrible abuse of innocent and defenseless animals!  (For security and privacy reasons, we are not at liberty to reveal the true identity of this new member and will refer to her only as "Jan".  Yet, we assure you she does exist and is totally committed to doing all she can to stop those like Ms. Speirs and her friends from deliberately breeding these animals for their own personal acclaim and financial gain!)
Being owned by three Twisty Kats (a term I detest) or radial hypoplasia, which I prefer to call them, I am appalled and disgusted by the people perpetuating this birth defect for financial gain!  The three I have, are affected with varying degrees of deformity.

Willy was rescued from the streets after an ordeal I'll never forget!  When I first got wind of him, it was through a phone call to the group I work with.  The woman who called was in tears, and said there was a cat hiding under a condemned home, at a busy intersection.  She thought Willy had two broken legs, and stated that he had to sit up like a rabbit.  She had been feeding the starving cat for two weeks and was desperate to find help for him.  Our shelter is a non-profit, no-kill shelter.  She was elated to have found us, as all the other groups she had contacted either wouldn't help, or would euthanize the cat.

I drove the half hour drive, stocked with every conceivable trap that I might need.  Driving into the driveway, I caught sight of a pitiful cat frantically scrambling to get to safety under the house.  Realizing I would not be able to use a conventional trap, as his front legs would not trigger it, I set up my widest trap and used a rope to control the door.  I baited it with fresh cooked chicken and waited a distance away in my car, with my hand clinging to the rope.

A half hour passed before a very thin cat tentatively came out and headed in a shuffling motion toward the trap.  I burst into tears watching this poor animal desperately scrabbling at the hard packed dirt to get to the trap.  He headed in and ate a few bites of chicken, and a slight vibration of the rope apparently spooked him, and he went scrambling back under the house.  Determined not to leave without him I sat and waited, tears running down my cheeks.

A truck pulled into the driveway a short time later, and a man asked me if I was the house's evicted occupant.  He was from the Board of Health and was trying to help the family, which had young children, get back on their feet and back into their home.  I told him why I was there and he left (but not after volunteering that there were numerous cats needing trapping in town, something I didn't want to hear!).

I waited for Willy to reappear, and a while later he started to get the courage to come back out.  No sooner did that happen, when a station wagon came flying into the driveway and a very hostile man, reminiscent of Charlie Manson, got right up to my face demanding to know why I was there.  I told him that a call had come into our group about a cat with a broken leg on the premises and I was called to help.  He told me it was his "cat and get the $%#& off my property!"  I left shaken, but more determined than ever!

For days I drove back there, always watching for his car, but didn't see Willy out after that.  A month passed, and having a name and street address to go by, I drafted a bogus letter to them.  I have another cat with a hind leg deformity that was also cast out into the streets as a kitten, so "Bonnie" was part of the scheme.  I wrote them that she needed a companion cat and would they consider selling their cat to me.  I sent pictures of Bonnie and an offer of $100.00 for their cat, knowing this family was in financial trouble.  The return address I used was a friend's P.O. box in another town.  I got no response.

I figured all was lost at that point, but never forgot Willy and would always detour through that neighborhood if I was nearby.  Nine (9) months later a frantic call came from the same woman who had called originally.  They had been looking and watching for Willy for months and figured he was dead, but he was hiding in their backyard under a truck cap!  I baited my best trap ahead of time, this time mushing sardines onto the trigger so his face would trigger it, and drove off into the night, exceeding the speed limit some!  They pointed to where he was, and I quietly got near his hiding spot and put the trap down carefully.  After 10 minutes I heard the satisfying SNAP, and dashed across the yard to cover him and drove off elated!

I set a very traumatized cat up in a cage and carefully checked him over.  His spine was sticking out from starvation, he was not neutered, and his front legs were severely crippled, with toes going in all different directions.  He was terrified (understandably so!) of everything at first, but came to realize he ws going to get a nice soft bed, food and water, and lost of love every day.

He went to the vet's after he was stronger and was tested, vaccinated and most importantly neutered!  His feet were examined and an ingrown toenail deep within his crippled paw was removed.  After a month, he got up the courage to leave his kennel and began to explore his new home.  Any little noise would send him scrambling in fear to his hiding spots.  I have some area rugs, which he mostly stays on, and he has a hard time getting across the slippery floors as his front legs are useless to him.  Also in the year that he has lived with me his paws have developed spurs, which are horn-like protrusions coming out of his paw pads.  These can't be comfortable and I have debated about having them surgically removed.

He does have the ability to get up on the couch, but has to psyche himself up to jump down as the landing, despite carpeting, must hurt!  He has very stout hind legs, which I suspect are also deformed (like a munchkin cat), but these do not seem to bother him.  So, he lives his live now, neutered and loved, and with padding in his favorite spots to support his sore limbs.  He terrified me not long ago while I was downstairs in the cellar!  The door was open upstairs and Willy had decided to follow me down the stairs part of the way.  He started to lose his balance ten stairs up and fell over the edge!  Thankfully, my girlfriend saw it happening and caught him before he hit the table below and then fallen to the cement floor!  I adore this 'boy' and he adores me and I cherish every day with him!


Thumbelina came to my attention through a friend who saw a "free kitten" ad posted on the bulletin board in the nursing home she works at.  Barbara grabbed the ad, as very few of her co-workers were responsible cat owners.  We called the legally blind elderly woman who posted the ad and told her we wanted to "adopt" her kittens.  She told us she had a tiny one she would part with named Thumbelina.  She also said she had something wrong with her legs!  I agreed instantly to take the tiny baby.  She was severely stunted for her age and had moderately deformed legs.

I took her home and noticed though she wanted to eat, everything she ate was violently regurgitated!  A visit to the vet the next day determined she had a condition called "megaesophagus" and also a severe heart murmur.  The vet advised many small meals syringe fed over the course of the day and for her to be held upright for ten minutes afterward.  I fed her A.D. food mixed with dry kitten formula and agonized for days over whether or not to euthanize her.  I fell head over heels in love with he tiny girl and we decided to let Mother nature decide her future!  Thankfully, after a few months (and a lot of money!), her regurgitating became less pronounced.  I started to wean her off of the mushy diet and onto the canned food.  It worked!  She can now eat regular ground cat food and has grown quite well now.  She is very active and loving and gets into everything!  But, I cannot spay her due to her severe heart murmur.  I wake up each morning wondering if my precious "Dolly" will still be with me!  Morning nose rubs tell me yes, but I know the day might come when her heart goes and with it will go mine!


Barbara and I have kept in touch with the elderly woman, Bertha, who has told us another litter was born in her home.  One of the kittens had twisted legs and she promised we could have him.  She also told us of others, over he years, handed out to anyone who would take them.  She had heard a few had died and who knows what became of the rest?  We saw to it first off that the resident tom cat was neutered right away!  He was allowed in and out and we suspected he carried the gene for Radial Hypoplasia.  Also, the three non-lactating females were spayed through out group.  It was a while, however, before she parted with Timothy.  Bertha's husband was dying in the nursing home and her cats were her comfort through it all, but also in danger of injury due to her inability to see.  She insisted on keeping one of the three kittens left and we conceded.

Timothy was also tiny and undernourished, but had only slight curvature of his legs.  His hind feet are enormous--like snowshoes!  He was examined by the vet and declared healthy--to my surprise!  When he was old enough, he was neutered.  He doesn't seem to have much difficulty doing anything and so far at ten months, though a bit small for his age, he is developing fine.


Having two with severe problems, I cannot possibly understand why any one would want to perpetuate this birth defect!  Though Mother Nature was in control in these three cases, watching Willy try to move about breaks my heart!  I love and cherish my "Handicats" and would never purposely inflict this life on any animal!  I shudder to think of how many are possibly on the streets now--unable to find food, unable to safely cross streets, unable to defend themselves against predators, and living with more fear than any animal should!

I strongly urge the deliberate breeding of these cats to end!  I cannot see anything cute or amusing about Willy having to lie on his back or sit on his haunches to relieve the pressure on his front legs.  It breaks my heart and I sincerely hope that these deformities are left in Nature's hands--not the hands of 'self-proclaimed' breeders whose sole interest is to fatten their wallets!!

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Music: "The Deerhunter"

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