China’s cuisine offers St. Bernard dogs and an animal protection group in Geneva is shocked! "The St.Bernard
dog," says Mr. Li, of Linxing-St.Bernard breeding "has a wonderful future, since its meat is tender with
exceptionally good taste." The ‘dog farm’, an old coal mine had financial problems, so prior coal miners breed St.Bernard dogs and sell the puppies to restaurants. "The ideal meat dog!", says Professor DuShaoyue on
Chinese TV CCTV. "Good news for the holidays!  St. Bernard dog meat is available!", says the Beijing Youth

"Will Switzerland watch silently while St.Bernard dogs are eaten in China?", asks SOS St. Bernard Dogs, International, then answers with a clear "NO!"  11,000 signatures from breeders and owners of St.Bernard dogs
around the world were given to the Swiss government in Bern on February 5th.  Says spokeswoman, Eleonor
Moser, "The Swiss government must intervene in Beijing - now!  St. Bernard dogs were once life savers, but now
they are in trouble and need our help!" She sees the future image of China: "The Chinese fill their stomachs with
St. Bernard dog meat, then come to visit Switzerland, the home land of these dogs. Would you still want to go
to a Chinese restaurant?"  Elly Maynard of Phoenix Animal Charitable Trust and (HANZ) Helping Animals from
New Zealand agrees totally, with 350,000 petition signatures from New Zealand alone and over 1.5 million giving international support, including ongoing efforts in the U.S.!

Yet, "Gourou Wang "("King of Dog Meat”) guests don’t worry. One can only enter by a booking, and it is always
full. "In winter dog fondue is very popular. It warms the body", says the waitress.  Guests are Chinese and
Koreans who have eaten dog meat for decades.  In Korea, dog is eaten mainly in summer.

Professor Du, in the Chinese TV show says "only St. Bernard males can father the best meat dogs."  As music
starts playing, St. Bernard puppies are shown playing in the grass, while the advantages of these dogs, their
size, gentleness, resistance to disease, and rapid growth are told. "Market expectations are excellent", says
Song Shiyong, head of Shenyang Research who adds "breeders get 3-4 times more income for St. Bernards.
This is the way to wealth! We are proud we have 48 sites, with 5000 St. Bernards and cross-bred St. Bernard males with local females, but importing St.Bernards is hard, as foreigners not used to eating dog will not sell to China.”

Animal protectors in China protest the brutal slaughtering methods. Many beat the dog to death and some burn
off the skin when it’s still alive believing the more suffering, the more adrenalin it produces making the meat
more tender. There are no animal protection laws. Yet, in Datong City, St.Bernard breeders can’t meet the
demand. Li says "It is unbelievable! We produce 70-80 pounds of dog meat a day selling for about 3 Deutschmark
a pound and have a waiting list, but we are expanding now!”
        The Wait ...                Are We Next?            Goodbye ...                The End...                Dinner!