How About Chinese Food?
After viewing this page, you may no longer wish to order Chinese "Take-Out" or go to your nearest Chinese Restaurant!  "Why?", you say.  Well, what if the meat in that food was something other than pork, beef, chicken, or shrimp (assuming you 'are' a meat eater!)?  Would you enjoy knowing that you just ate a D-O-G or a C-A-T??

That may become a very real possibility in light of the proposals being prepared to present to the U.N. in Rome, Italy at their Agricultural Council!  You are about to examine the content of those proposals, as well as view 
the results should they be approved.  We urge you to heed the above warning this page may seem nice, but we seriously doubt you'll care when you've reached the end of it!

We were asked to assist in gathering as many protest signatures on petitions which will be presented at the upcoming U.N. Council on November 20-21 from such countries as New Zealand, Switzerland, and our own United States.  We will not just 'assist'--we will fight to the end to ensure that this is never  permitted to become legal anywhere in the world!!  We have been able to prevent the South Korean government from making the torture, slaughter and human consumption of dog and cat meat legal in that country so far and we are committed to do the same in China.

To not take a stand on this issue, will mean not a single dog and cat anywhere in the world will be guaranteed of never ending up on an Asian family's dinner table!  If it is legalized in the Asian countries, it will spread like a cancer to become legal in other countries, and you can be sure the day will come when it will be legal in 'every' country!  Is that what you want the fate of your own companion animal to be?  If you do not, now is the time to take action!!

Many are skeptical whether this is a true and valid intention by China.  We will now offer you documentation and visual proof of the intent to 'farm' dogs specifically for the purpose of human consumption and links to factual testimony of how the Chinese government wishes to implement this atrocity!  You will read and see investigated, researched, and proven facts!  We urge you to take them seriously as proof of what China  wishes to do in the near future with our companion animals.  It is up to all of us whether they are permitted to succeed or not!!