"Our World of Animals"

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close
to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special
friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and
our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old
are restored to health and vigor; those who
were hurt or maimed are made whole and
strong again, just as we remember them in
our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for
one small thing; they each miss someone very
special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes
when one suddenly stops and looks into the
distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager
body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from
the group, flying over the green grass, his
legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your
special friend finally meet, you cling together
in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your
hands again caress the beloved head, and
you look once more into the trusting eyes
of your pet, so long gone from your life
but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
 Author Unknown

The above is a lovely story of faith, hope and love; things that we all need to be reminded of in our daily lives.  In many cases, the death of a beloved pet will be a person's first experience in dealing with the extraordinary grief that soon follows. For this reason, "Our World of Animals" recognizes the need for a 'special' place where you can honor and pay tribute to that beloved pet you have just laid to rest. Thus, we are providing this space to everyone who wishes to publish a photo and/or a tribute to the memory of that pet.  There are no restrictions as to the 'kind' of pets honored here, be they cat, dog, bird, fish, etc. The only requirement is that you truly wish to honor your pet's memory, which will also serve to help you through the grieving process.  We now invite you to join us in paying tribute to some of the pets who have already passed to the Rainbow Bridge.

Still Here

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying.  You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear.
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast.  I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today.  Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels.  I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today.  You  tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you.  I smiled and said "It's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
It's possible for me, to be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled. I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
The day is over...I smile and watch you yawning
And say "Goodnight, God Bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to show you.  There is so much for you to see.
Be patient.  Live your journey out...Then come home to be with me.
(Author Unknown)


1940 - 1949
U.S. Army Mascot
177th. Field Artillery -Battery A

'Snooks', a border collie-shepherd mix, served his country with pride as the U.S. Army Mascot of the 177th. Field Artillery- Battery A from 1941 to 1942 with his master, 1st. Sgt. Edward Schleicher, while stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri when it was first opened.  He arrived at the Fort by train (in the baggage car!) where his most important 'duty' was to lay communication wires throughout the Fort, an assignment he took quite seriously.  With wires tied to his harness, Snooks would travel through culverts, ditches, over hills, through tunnels and everywhere a human could not 'fit' to deliver the wires to their destinations.  His 'pay' at the end of a day's work was a juicy steak or a tender chicken (all meat, no bones!) prepared by the cook in the Mess Hall, after which he would then accompany 1st. Sgt. Schleicher as they made 'bed check' each night. He was rewarded with his own dog house located right outside the door of Sgt. Schleicher's office where he was acknowledged by all as a very important and integral part of the 'ranks' of men stationed there!  Following his 'tour', Snooks returned to his home in Detroit, MI where he retired as the family 'pet'--another 'duty' he took quite seriously!  He lived the remainder of his years with his loving family until old age set in and it became necessary to send him on his way to Rainbow Bridge after he suffered a stroke.  He was proud, he was loyal, he was protective, and he is missed to this very day--51 years later--as he was the first dog known and loved by the Web Mistress of this site for he 'served' with honor and dignity in all things!



With tremendous sadness we wish to advise that the official 'Host' of our Canine Capers page, Sonny, left us for the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 after suffering progressive blindness and crippling arthritis for the past year.  Sonny's human 'companion' was with him as he passed to the Bridge after it became evident that his pain and suffering would continue to increase and that he was rapidly losing his quality of life.  Sonny was "Grandma's Boy" to the Web Mistress of "Our World of Animals" and she will forever hold the memory of her brief time with Sonny close to her heart.

Sonny was a brilliant and affectionate dog who was very tuned-in to the human psyche.  "Grandma" will always remember their long solitary walks together along the creek bed near her home as she talked to Sonny and he would answer her back with uncanny understanding and emotion.

Given the opportunity, Sonny would have made a wonderful companion dog to a disabled person.  He would help clear the table after dinner and Sonny would join the family by removing paper napkins from the table as he opened the cupboard door and deposited them in the waste basket. "Grandma" will never forget the many Saturdays when she arrived at Sonny's home to be greeted by him as she opened the car door.  He seemed to always have a special story or event to relate to her as she removed various articles from the car that she had brought with her and he never failed to take at least one package and carry it into the house for her.  He was every inch a lover to his fellow pet mates in the family and to all his human family members as well.

Sonny's presence will never be forgotten as we will carry his memory deep within forever.  He was gentle, dignified, playful, occasionally shy, and always happy and loving.  Those who knew him well all agree that our lives have been deeply enriched by Sonny's presence and most of all by the loyalty and love he showed each of us. Though we know he is now in a better and happier place, no longer suffering in pain, our hearts will remain heavy with his loss.  "Grandma" will miss her "Boy"; yet, there will be no "Good bye" for him, as we know that someday we will once more be reunited with our beloved Sonny.  We now shed our tears and grieve his loss; but look forward to the day when Sonny runs to greet us at the Rainbow Bridge where we can take those peaceful walks side by side once more.  You are not lost, Sonny, but just waiting for us to join you and we will, in our own time.  We love you and miss you dearly!  Until we are together again . . .

He was my friend,
My partner,
My defender,
My dog.

I was his life,
His love,
His leader.

He was mine,
Faithful and true,
To the very last beat of his heart.

I 'owed' it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


7/76 - 10/30/98

Daisha Sue was a lovely Siamese beauty , huge in heart, undaunted in spirit, and devoted to all of those around her.  She was a petite little girl with a sweet and loving nature who was capable of adapting to any environment as long as her beloved 'human' was there by her side.

She spent much of her life moving from place to place, under not always the best of circumstances, but nevertheless carried on her mission in life to simply live and love.  She was passed from owner to owner when young, but spent the last half of her life with her treasured and equally devoted owner, Kristina.

This past year, Daisha developed kidney problems, but withstood many painful and unpleasant medical treatments to restore her to good health with her memorable dignity and grace.  However, the week preceding her death, she became fatally ill and on Thursday morning, October 30, 1998, she patiently waited for her beloved Kristina to wake up for work at 4:00am.  She spent her last moments with Kristina and finally slipped away to the Rainbow Bridge at 4:15am. Thus,  her final act of deepest devotion was to delay her journey just a few minutes longer to say "Farewell".

Daisha had reached the phenomenal age of 22 years old!  A testament to her devotion, spirit, strength of heart, and sheer will to live.   She will be missed beyond words, as she is now free from pain, once more a young and happy kitten waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.  Kristina and all of us bid you a fond "Farewell", Daisha, but  never our  "Good bye".  We all know we will be reunited with you and your canine 'Brother', Sonny, at the bridge where we will walk together with you once again in happiness and love.

Your loving 'human' family!
El  Cajon, CA

Click here to visit Author's Site

7/86 - 2/87

It's been over 14 years now--yet, I still love you with a depth I never knew would be so great.  Because I have learned  you're waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge, I can tell you what has been locked in my heart all these years.  I can remind you of our times together, the way you made me feel, the things you did to make me laugh, and that you brought me so much comfort in such an  unhappy place.

You were born in the summer under someone's porch on a street without a name in Nea Makri, Greece.  You had 3 sisters and 1 brother.  Five weeks later your entire family was brought to our house on Dionysus near Marathon since your human family was taking a trip.  When you arrived at our house, I wanted to make up a bed for all of you in the kitchen; but, my son said "No, they have to be kept outside!"  You see, the Lady of the House didn't want animals to live in the house with people.  So, he made up a bed of blankets in an old refrigerator (without the door!) on our back porch.  It was still chilly and that first night I laid awake worrying if you all were warm enough or not.

When I woke up the second morning, I discovered that you were the only one left in the refrigerator!  It seems your Mom, Sisters and Brother had decided to go back home during the night--but, because you were the smallest they left you behind.  I tried to coax you out of the refrigerator so I could 'sneak' you into the house, but you were too afraid so I had to wait for you to decide when it was right to come out.  On the third morning, as I was hanging clothes in the backyard, I saw something black and white shoot past me in the tall grass.  All I could see was your little black head and four little white feet bobbing up and down as you made your way back to me.  Such a funny little boy you were.  You bounced up and down, ran around, capered through the blades of grass hither and yon, but always you'd return to sit at my feet and stare at me waiting for me to tell you how wonderfully you were performing!  You see, my baby, I never 'adopted' you--you 'adopted' ME!  Because you so reminded me of a baby deer frolicking all over, I gave you the name "Romper".  It  suited you perfectly and I only had to tell you once what your name was and you never forgot it.  I think that day we fell in love with each other under the worst of circumstances for both of us.  I didn't want to be there--I had a home in another country that I missed very much.  You didn't want to be there--you had a 'family' somewhere that you missed very much.  But, since we couldn't change where we were, we grasped each other and held on tight!

Our first happy day came when I told you that your other 'humans' had told me you could stay with me and be my little fur baby!  Oh how ecstatic we both were.  You bounced and hopped all over the house (Lady of the House was gone by then!) and I hopped and bounced with you!  We danced and sang and played and cried and ate and finally curled up with each other that night to sleep.  You purred so loud that night, but I just couldn't wake you to make you stop; in fact, I never ever wanted to make you stop!

Each morning when I'd get ready for work, you'd trot down the long cold hallway (marble) following me into the bathroom as I got ready to leave.  You loved to sit on top of the clothes dryer and when I knew we were all alone in the house, I'd turn it on for a few minutes, just so you could enjoy being warm.  When I came home every night, as I turned the corner in the car from Marathon to Dionysus, there you were waiting for me on the corner!  You were never late--not even one time!  I would stop the car, open the door and you'd hop into the seat and sit there so importantly as we drove down the street and into our driveway.  You were so wonderful to come home to.  I'd fix my dinner and sit at the table, you'd sit in the chair opposite me while I ate.  You'd quietly make little kitty-sounds while you sat there and I always felt you were asking me questions about what I had done that day.  I would answer you back.  A few seconds later, another slightly different kitty-sound would come from you--I suppose another 'kitty-question'?  You had so very many--you were such a curious little boy!  I'd sit at the table and write and you would sit right on the table with one paw at the corner of my paper, as if to hold it in place for me.  You always seemed so 'interested' in what I was writing.  Many times I wondered if you could actually read!  Later in the evening we'd settle down in the big recliner chair--me in my thermal underwear, socks, flannel nightie, heavy robe and slippers.  It was really cold by then!  You would curl up on my tummy or chest and by the end of the evening, I'd find you had snuggled your way right inside my robe!  You always nuzzled your little head into the side of my neck and fell so deeply asleep that I know if I hadn't been holding you, you would have fallen right down to the floor!  When we finally went to bed, you crawled right under the blankets and slept with your little head on the pillow next to mine.  Remember, the morning the alarm clock scared me and I knocked it off the window sill above and it hit you on the head?  What a terrible way to say "Good Morning"!

On those lonely evenings--it was just the TWO of us.  Of course, there were always the 'snacks' and golly, did you ever love your snacks!  You loved popcorn, pretzels, cookies, tuna sandwiches and do you remember the tangerines?  Oh, that night you really got carried away!  You ate 13 pieces of tangerine!  That was the evening we had picked them off the tree in the front yard and you decided it would be much easier if you climbed to the top of the tree and knocked them down to me on the ground!  Really funny part was that the girl upstairs put her baby in the stroller under the tree.  I don't know how many tangerines hit the poor little thing on her head, but there was an impressive amount of tangerines in the stroller when we were all done!

Then the roses--as big around as cabbages!  You loved to poke your little pink nose into the center of them and we had so many!  Had to put them in 5 lb. coffee cans all over the entire living room!  I kept warning you NOT to try to take them out--but you did one day and finally found out what those nasty things called thorns did to your little toes.  Speaking of toes, remember our only Christmas together?  Yes, when I wasn't going to put up a Christmas tree because I was so lonely.  But, YOU were there and I realized you'd never seen a Christmas Tree in all it's glory!  So, we dragged out the box of ornaments, put up just the top of the artificial tree and I began putting those pretty lights on.  You LOVED the blue ones!  As you watched, you kept reaching for one blue light and I kept warning you "No, No--you'll get burned!"  But, finally it had to happen--you touched that light and I heard your little white foot sizzle and you cried--Oh, did you cry!  I ran for the first aid kit, put you in my lap, put some ointment on your little toes and wrapped the biggest bandage in the whole world around it!  We kissed and made up as you proceeded to proudly prance all over the living room showing off your gigantic bandage!   You were so proud of it; so much, that when your boo-boo was all gone, you didn't want me to take that bandage off--you LIKED it!

That Christmas was filled with only 'our' love--but neither of us knew it would be the first AND the last we'd have together!  I lost my job soon after (Gov't. budget!) and would have to go home.  Oh, my little boy--what on earth would happen to you now?  "Lady of the House" was also coming back to live and I knew that neither you or I would be happy if she wouldn't let you stay inside anymore!  Oh, what to do?  I called to see how much it would cost to take you home with me--but it was more money than I had left!  I tried to find the money, but no luck.  Finally, there was no hope left.  I'd have to leave you behind and hope my Son would bring you back to me the next summer when he came home.

Our last night together, we stayed up all night, just holding and cuddling each other.  I kissed and kissed you and cried and cried.  I held you ever so close to me, hoping you could feel the aching of my heart as I prepared to leave you behind.  I worried if you'd be happy and healthy after I left and somehow, something deep inside me kept telling me I'd never see or hold you ever again.

The time came for us to part--I tried so hard not to look back, but just had to one last time.  There you lay on the sofa looking at me and I could see the hurt and disappointment in your eyes.  You KNEW I was leaving for good and you just didn't understand why I couldn't take you.  My heart was torn in shreds.  For 22 hours I stared out the plane window seeing only you and asking myself why I hadn't 'smuggled' you on the plane in my purse?  If I could go back in time, I would do just that.

After I got home I tried to 'keep my distance' from thoughts of you.  I spent many nights gazing at your pictures for hours.  Two weeks later, I got that dreaded phone call--all the way from across the world.  My "Romper"-kitty was gone forever; supposedly struck by a car (that I KNEW you'd never get in the way of because you were too smart!).  Deep in my heart I knew that "Lady of the House" had returned and promptly thrown you out into the cruel world all alone.  I was angry, I was guilty, and I NEVER forgave myself!  Worst of all, I wasn't there to hold you at the end, to comfort and reassure you, to ease your pain and kiss your boo-boo's.  I 'hated' myself so much for letting you down that the only way I could go on living was to tuck you very, very deep in my heart and try never to think about you again!

Now that I know you're at Rainbow Bridge, I have finally unlocked my heart for you.  I can finally feel peace.  I beg you to forgive me for leaving you and I pray that you will be waiting for me at the Bridge--because, Romper-kitty, I still love you so and miss you terribly.  Though you now have a new 'Sister', Jasmine (who I love very much), I want you to know that you'll always be my 'special' boy and I can't wait to see you again at Rainbow Bridge.  I guess we both will have to wait a while longer; but, at least I know that you're whole, healthy and now you 'know' how much I still love you and I hope that love sustains you until I come to get you at the Bridge.  Then we can romp together--just as we once did!  I love you now and forever.

(Linda of San Diego)


October 5, 1999
"Lucy, I promise you, there will be Justice for your death!"
Lisa Marie
(Despite suffering a broken back, Lucy was further tortured and beaten by her own doctor!!  Read her story on our "Victims of Veterinary Abuse and Neglect" page!)

~ Alex ~

October 29, 1999
 Alex Sweetheart, you will always and forever hold a special place
in my heart. You loved everything and everybody, other dogs, cats
and you always left food for the birds everyday that they were here
in the Spring and Summer, and until they left for the Winter. You
never knew a stranger in your life. You melted anyone's heart who
saw you Sweet Alex. You learned well from your father Thumpper
who went over to Rainbow Bridge 7 years ago. Now you are with him. Both of you lay close together and remember that Mommie loves you Forever and Ever........"
  "Take my Love with you Alex"
  Butterfly Kisses and Tender Hugs
  Barbara, Barry and Joshua and Sugar (your Brother)

"An Innocent victim of Veterinary Neglect"

1992 - 12/26/99

Cinemax’s Ponderings from Heaven
and Rainbow Bridge

I am sitting here looking down on Earth and see so may things that bother me. There have been far to many new arrivals here in such a short time. All these babies that were deserted in the puppy mills the supposed rescue people that left all the dead animals, peoples' everyday violence against animals is so far out of control.

But then I look at what the humans are doing to one another and think "If they can't be kind to one another, how can they be kind to animals"  Mommy tries so hard to help so many. Oh how I miss her smell and warm cuddles. Then I look at all these that never even knew love and know how lucky I was to have the love I had.

Will people ever learn that the earth is made for people and animals to live in peace. Hunters
and poachers are making many wildlife species extinct, once gone, gone for good.  I was lucky that my Mommy came to visit the day she did and she just picked me up and walked around
with me and I went home with her. She made the hurt go away and loved me to the point of being soul mates.  It hurts when I see so many that never knew that love.

Rainbow Bridge is a wonderful place. But it will never take the place of the warm cuddles and feeling of security when a live human person loves you.  WE all watch for our loved ones and pass our time doing cloud slide shows when we can and keeping bad guys away from us. The Angels are good to us and they love us, but it is not the same. JoJo, Dusty, Sable, Cinemin. Sparky, Pepper, Precious, Fleagle, Brucy, Sissy, Meatu, Halfway, Carlotta, Beau and Susie, to name a few, sit and discuss it by the hours.

All of the new kids on the block look forward to Christmas Eve so we can ride with Santa in his sleigh to say our final good bye until we meet our masters at the Bridge. I know Mommy loves that night because she gets to have us all for a short time again. This year will really be hard as there were so many of us.  Maybe I can make her understand that I am not really gone and not
to be so unhappy about me leaving. I sent her ANgel and I know she loves her with all her heart, but she misses the feeling of being soul mates.

Just some thought and words of wisdom.  Mommy I love you and miss you as much as you
miss me.  I walk by your side all the time and I watch over you while you sleep so don't mourn me, as I'm not really gone.


One year ago.... September 20, 1999 those are the hardest words I believe I will ever type...I cannot type much right now...but know he took one breath and then did not take another...it was peaceful and just as I had asked God to do...I took him in this morning as you know and after breathing much easier after draining so much more off his lungs he rested...and then at 2:30...he crossed on his own into the arms that love him the most...I envy those arms for the moment...to not be able to see my precious Bandit hurts more than I can bare...but I must so it seems until we meet again...I have not read the mails from this morning...but he is buried next to my Moz...the two grew up together and now they play once again..what a glorious site that must be and a welcome fit only for such a regal special boy...Bandit..I want to write a tribute and pray I can do him the majesty he deserves and to bring the love and eloquence as Mike Little here is so wonderful at doing...but for now...I will be quiet for a bit...I know you all understand....Candace

And that was a year ago today....and still I miss my boy so...I have a new boy but I don't have my snuggler...my lap sitter...my love...my rock...and yet I have found an inner strength and such a huge capacity to love...a love in my heart that is hard to explain...love for all animals still, and for others...I see beyond now my own self absorbed needs and wants...and find the important thing is to try to bring a smile or peace to others...in this hectic world, it's what so many need...and I guess that is just the legacy God and Bandit had in mind for me from them...I no longer dread so many outings with family and even riends...and how I love to come home to two sweet boys waiting for Mom at the door...I enjoy every little look...meow...play moment...nudge for a pet or small snuggle...meow for more Mommy..ppplllleeeaassseee!!!...and the little 'hey Mom what ya lookin for?...can I help?..can I, can I??...oooooo...Mommy its my toy mice!!...yea...!!...lets play catch!!...and I also feel the love of Bandit shining down like the regal leader he is of this small family...no children or mate have I...but I have so much more...I have a lot more love than I ever thought possible...and odd as it sounds to others..I attribute it to my Bandit...

A love so rock solid it would be hard to move...planted firmly to pass on, just as my precious boy did for others and for me for 18 years...the bond that enveloped his last year was so precious...and yes I miss the subq's...the shots I gave him...the looks of thanks Mom...or Mom I don't feel well...love me more...and even the...I don't feel well...just stay close...I would love to have him another day...but one more day would not be enough...there are not enough days to have him...and I know a lot of you know what I'm feeling when I say that...

But to attribute everything to Bandit wouldn't be fair..because the true giver and love is God...He
loved me enough to bless me with Bandit...to be taught and needed by that special one...just as
many of you are blessed to be in the company of such great kitties...and great they are, aren't
they?...mine sure was and still is in my heart...

So although the sadness creeps from time to time for the feel of my grand lap sitter..I know we'll
meet again...and what a grand time that will be...to envy my Moz and Bandit and others of where
they are is such a small word to describe the feelings...but to have had him for the time I did far
exceeds not knowing him at all...so hold on to your babies...and know and reach for the lessons
these bonds are teaching us...the simple truth of what pure love can do for one...and don't fear
their passing...but make sure you are going to see them again!!...and know that...for I believe...
God is one of love no matter what we see or hear...so matter how ugly I can be as a human being...God loves me beyond that shell...and He placed in my path a little boy I thought ugly at first site...but who carried with him a love I had never known and will never forget...Gods' love...through one preciousboy...similar to another son of 2000 years ago...

Hang in there friends...I can't say it will be easy to survive...but the alternative of not knowing a
kittie's love is just not acceptable to me...so I am loving another boy...admittedly not the same
way...there is always that special one...but I'm still loving...and not giving up on other kitties willing
to accept me as "staff"...hang in there...it's worth the trip and to me every penny spent...much love
and prayers to you all...and again and again...hugs and purrs....Candace/Lil Moz and Lil Gabe with
unforgettable Angels Moz and Bandit - forever in my heart.

To pay tribute to your beloved pet at Rainbow Bridge, please direct a scanned photo and or/brief tribute, including your pet's name, date of birth and date of death to the e-mail address indicated below.  Each will be placed in this space in the order in which it is received and we will be regularly updating these pages to accommodate all those received.  Please also be sure to review our photo policy as outlined at the bottom of our Home page before sending in your pet's photos.

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Copyright 1998-2001

  Music:  "Memories"